The Laughter Olympics (Laff-a-lympics, original title in English) was an animated television series, produced by Hanna-Barbera that brought together the 45 most important cartoon characters from Hanna-Barbera into three Olympic teams: The Yogi Yogis (led by Yogi Bear), The Scooby-Doo Super (led by the same character) and the Super Bad (led by Lout). The series had two seasons, the first with 16 episodes and the second with 8, for a total of 24 episodes. The series was produced between 1977 and 1978.
It was a parody of the Olympics. It was also the first Hanna-Barbera series in the comedy genre not to use canned laughs.
Each episode began with the narration of the commentators of the program: El León Melquíades and Lobo Mildew, presenting the sporting events and introducing us to the tests that were going to be carried out in each chapter. The Olympics were held in various parts of the world, each episode was divided into 2 halves, and each of these chapter fractions took place in a different region, among the places that were visited, were found Africa, Italy, South America, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, etc. They were the favorite cartoons of many children of the time, since in the same episode they could see a large number of well-known characters: Scooby Doo and Shaggy, Yogi, Boo Boo, Cindy, Huckleberry Hound, Canuto and Canito, the Lizard Juancho, Pixie, Dixie and the cat Jinks and many more.
The first three chapters (not counting the pilot), had 6 events each (3 per half), but from the fourth onwards, this was reduced to 4 tests per episode (2 per half), having a chapter that included 5 events (2/3).
The competition was based on a point system: the first place (the winner of the game) obtained 25 points, the second place obtained 15 points and the third place 10. The award system for the contestants was exactly the same: The gold medal was worth about 25 points, the silver medal about 15 points and the bronze medal about 10 points. However, in extremely difficult events there used to be a 50 point bonus for the winner, replacing the conventional 25 points. or even other times added to these, which could sometimes earn up to 75 points in one of these special tests. Points were also subtracted for cheating. The Olympics were almost always won by the Scooby Doo Super team or the Yogi Yogis team. The Super Bad in most of the chapters were last,
The Scooby-Doo Super (The Scooby Doobies) Made up of Scooby-Doo as team captain, Shaggy Rogers, Scooby Dum (Scooby-Doo's completely stupid cousin), Blue Hawk, Dynamite the Wonder Dog, The Caveman Captain and his Teen Angels (Brenda Chance, Dee Dee, and Tafy Dare), The Super-Fast Buggy Buggy, Tinker, Babú (Jeannie's clumsy genius), and Hong Kong Phooey. Note: Originally Jeannie (from the series of the same name), Josie, Melody, Alejandro, Alan and Sebastián (from Josie and the Melodicas) were going to appear as members of The Super Scooby-Doo but were removed for unknown reasons.
The Yogi Yogis (The Yogi Yahooeys) Made up of the Yogi Bear as team captain, the Bear Boo Boo, Huckleberry Hound, Osa Cindy, Pixie and Dixie, Jinks, Simiolon, El Lagarto Juancho, Canito y Canuto, Tiro Loco McGraw, The Hokey Wolf, Super Snoop and Clueless and Yakky Doodle.
Los Super Malos (The Really Rottens) Made up of Mumbly as team captain, Dread Baron (Baron Muerte, was the brother of Pierre Nodoyuna), Dinky Dalton, Dirty Dalton, Dastardly Dalton, Daisy Mayhem, Cochinon (Sooey Pig), El Gran Fondoo, The Magical Rabbit, Mr. Creeply, Mrs. Creeply, Creeply Jr and Pulpit (Orful Octopus). Note: Dread Baron was to appear as the leader of The Super Evils but was replaced by Mumbly for unknown reasons
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