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Miami Vice

Miami Vice (en España: Corrupción en Miami; en Hispanoamérica: División Miami, Vicio en Miami o Miami, Policía Especial) es una serie...

Thundercats (1985)

Thundercats (stylized as ThunderCats, known in Spain and Latin America as ThunderCats: The Cosmic Cats) is an American animated television series that was produced by Rankin / Bass Productions - the same that created the Galactic Falcons, Los Tigres del Mar, the latter was created as part of the comic book series — .1 It was released on January 23, 1985 and is based on characters created by Theodore Walter "Tobin" Wolf; directed by the Japanese Katsuhito Akiyama. The writer was Leonard Starr. The series follows the adventures of a group of extraterrestrial humanoid cats.

ThunderCats: The cosmic cats follows the adventures of the ThunderCats team of heroes, which is a group of extraterrestrial humanoid cats, technologically highly advanced but attached to styles and customs typical of a typical tale of swordsmen and wizardry, who live on a blue planet called Third Planet. The plot of the series begins in Thundera a planet about to explode, forcing the ThunderCats, the highest breed of Thunderian nobles, to flee their home planet, where they lived in peace and without the need for the use of clothing or of special weapons, in a fleet of spaceships.

The fleet is attacked by the enemies of the Thunderians, the mutants of the planet Plun-Darr, who destroy all the ships in the fleet, except for the Command Ship as they hope to capture the legendary and mystical Sword of Augury. , who know, is on board this one. The sword has the Eye of Thundera, the ThunderCats' source of power, embedded in its grip. It also allows you to "see beyond the obvious" by looking through its openings. Even though the mutants damage the Command Ship and manage to board, the power of the Eye of Thundera repels them. Damage to the ship's navigation system implies that travel to its original destination is not possible, so they are forced to travel to a blue planet - chosen for its atmospheric compatibility with Thundera - from a faint little sun in a galaxy many light years away, which will take much longer than anticipated. The wise old man Jaga volunteers to pilot the ship while the others sleep in suspended animation capsules, however, he dies of old age during the journey, but not before making sure that the Command Ship will reach its destination safely. The ship transports the boy León-O, lord of the ThunderCats and Chitara, Pantro, Tigro, the boys Felina and Felino, and Snarf He dies of old age during the journey, but not before making sure that the Command Ship will reach its destination safely. The ship transports the boy León-O, lord of the ThunderCats and Chitara, Pantro, Tigro, the boys Felina and Felino, and Snarf He dies of old age during the journey, but not before making sure that the Command Ship will reach its destination safely. The ship transports the boy León-O, lord of the ThunderCats and Chitara, Pantro, Tigro, the boys Felina and Felino, and Snarf

When the ThunderCats awaken from their suspended animation on the Third Planet - named for being the third since the sun - Leon-O discovers that his suspension capsule has slowed his aging but did not stop him and is now a child in the body of an adult. With the help of the friendly inhabitants of the Third Planet: the Rubber Berbils (small robotic bears, led by Cu-Berbil), the ThunderCats build the Feline Den, the ThunderCats' new home and headquarters. However, the Mutants have tracked the Command Ship to the Third Planet and arrive moments after the ThunderCats but they land emergency near a pyramid.

The intrusion of these two alien races on that world does not go unnoticed, since a mummified demonic sorcerer, who calls himself Mumm-Ra: "the immortal" is the one who welcomes the Mutants and recruits them to help him in his campaign to obtain the Eye of Thundera and destroy the ThunderCats and extend their dominance over the Third Planet.

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