Hey, Arnold! (originally in English: Hey, Arnold!) it is an American animated series, produced by the Nickelodeon network, which shows, broadly speaking, the life of a 9-year-old boy in the suburbs of a town in which he lives; Arnold, along with his friends, is in fourth grade at 118th Public School in Hillwood City, a large fictional city located in Washington state, but mixes elements from Brooklyn, New York, Seattle, and even London.
Arnold's a very smart kid with a strange football-shaped
head. Live in a multi-ethnic neighborhood, whose strategic location offers endless possibilities of adventure. He is a dreamer who likes baseball and lives with his grandparents.1 While at the beginning of the series Arnold was a carefree nine-year-old boy, and with typical childhood problems, he became more mature in the following seasons having to deal with more complex problems. At the same time, Helga's secret love for Arnold begins to take on greater importance in the series, where he may be seen in poetic soliloquies expressing feelings toward him, which he is never able to formulate publicly. to keep up appearances, Helga chooses to systematically insult Arnold, pejoratively alluding to the ball shape that has his head. Arnold lives together daily with his friends and classmates, each with completely different personalities and families. Despite the show's children's tone, he touches on important topics such as Helga's neglect of his bad parents, Arnold's own nostalgia for not remembering his own, as well as the importance of courage, trust, honesty and sincerity.
Arnold! takes place in the fictional American city, called Hillwood. Creator Craig Bartlett stated in an interview that the city is based on the big cities in the north of the country, including Seattle (his hometown), Portland, Oregon (where he went to art school) and New York City (many points of interest borrowed). Bartlett, having grown up in Seattle, the foundation of many of the show's events, in his own experience of growing up in the city. The Pig War mentioned in an episode with the same title took place on the boundaries between what is now washington state and the Province of British Columbia, Canada.
In many episodes of the first season, the Brooklyn Bridge is seen as an important landmark in the
city. Other episodes show an overview of New York on the horizon, with the Empire State Building, Central Park and the World Trade Center suggesting that Hillwood could be a Brooklyn or Queens neighborhood. Also according to a list of public elementary schools in New York, PS 118 is a school in St. Albans, which is a residential community in the New York neighborhood of Queens. In addition, in the episode "Eugene Bike", Arnold and Eugene visit Quigley Stadium, which is in West Haven, Connecticut, and was home to the West Haven Yankees from 1972-1979. West Haven is just north of New York. However, the stadium used in the series bears no resemblance to the current Quigley stadium.
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