The Munsters is a television comedy produced by CBS and originally broadcast between 1964 and 1966, with 70 episodes and two seasons. The films Munster Go Home (1966) and The Munsters' Revenge (1981) were made years later based on the original series. This series is considered cult and has been replayed numerous times throughout the world.
The series shows us the peculiar Munster family. Its appeal is based on using typical horror characters in comic plots. These, in turn, develop everyday situations, such as the child's first day of school or the arrival of new neighbors, who take on a comical look as a result of the contrast between the normality of average Americans and the peculiarity of the Munster, who Despite their rarity, they behave just like an ordinary American family.
The idea behind the program was similar to that of The Addams Family. Unlike this one, he used typical horror characters and not original characters.
Despite being a huge television hit, the series was canceled in late 1966, due to a disagreement between the series' producers and CBS. Until then, the entire series had been broadcast in black and white, and the network planned the color version of all its shows. This increased the costs and, in the case of this series, it was not decided who would cover the new expenses
Herman Munster (Monster of Frankenstein): He is the father of the family. It is good, rare and very tall. He loves his wife very much. Most of the time, the grandfather is complicit in his occurrences.
Lily Munster (Vampire): She is a vamp who loves her husband Herman very much. Try to reconcile Grandpa and Herman. She considers herself an average American housewife.
Grandfather Dracula (Count Dracula): Lily's father. Member of the Mad Scientists Union. He is the only one who has lived in Transylvania and sometimes longs for her. He spends a lot of time in the basement, where he has his laboratory and performs the strangest experiments. He doesn't get along very well with Herman, and he loves his grandson Eddie.
Eddie Munster (Werewolf): Son of Lily and Herman. He is about 10 or 12 years old, and is a werewolf. He goes to school and likes grandpa's experiments. Sleep in a cupboard in the cupboard.
Marilyn Munster (Lady in Trouble): Lily's niece. She is the only one in the family with an ordinary appearance, a very beautiful blonde college girl. The rest of the family is very concerned about her as she cannot find a partner "due to her ugliness.
Spott (Dragon): Munster family pet. He is very big and likes to play with Eddie Munster.
Kitty: Munsters pet, Lily's favorite. It is a cat that roars like a lion.
Igor: It's a bat from Grandpa Munster.
Charlie the Raven: He lives on the house clock and repeats the word "never again", phrase by Edgar Allan Poe.
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