Marino Boy (海底 少年 マ リ ン Kaitei Shōnen Marin?) Is a 1966 anime, originally produced in Japan between 1966 and 1967 by Minoru Adachi through K Fujita Associates Inc, and relaunched for television by Japan Tele Cartoons and Seven Arts Television. It is based on a 1965 anime called Dolphin Oji.
It was the first cartoon produced as a joint effort between Japanese and North American studios (The series was animated in Japan based on the arguments of the US screenwriters). The show was a success in both countries.
The program consisted of three seasons: the first of 36 episodes and the last of 78 each. It was broadcast in almost all of Latin America (although not all episodes) and in some English-speaking countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
Desde nuestra Videoteca..
Marino y la Patrulla Oceanica
Tags: anime retro, anime de los 70, anime de los 80, comiquitas viejas, comiquitas retro, comiquitas japonesas, cartoons viejos, comiquitas viejas, comiquitas de mi infancia, cuando era chamo, cuando estaba chiquito, cuando era niño. recuerdos de la tv, animes de ayer,
Tags: anime retro, anime de los 70, anime de los 80, comiquitas viejas, comiquitas retro, comiquitas japonesas, cartoons viejos, comiquitas viejas, comiquitas de mi infancia, cuando era chamo, cuando estaba chiquito, cuando era niño. recuerdos de la tv, animes de ayer,
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